Today, over 2.5 billion people do not have access to sight. So we wanted to do our part to make a difference.


That's why from day one, every time you pass an order with a pair of glasses from us, we fund the cost of a pair of reading glasses to the NGO Restoring Vision.


The charity then transfers the glasses to local contact points around the world, including some of the poorest areas. On the ground, mobile clinics provide eye tests and distribute the reading glasses, which are ready to use.


Reading glasses have a real impact on quality of life. They promote access to education and thus the prospect of finding a job with a better income (which can be up to 20%).


Together, we have already given 1 million people access to sight. We owe this result to you. And we won't stop here.



Today, over 2.5 billion people do not have access to sight. So we wanted to do our part to make a difference.


That's why from day one, every time you order a pair of glasses from us, we fund the cost of a pair of reading glasses to the NGO Restoring Vision.


The charity then transfers the glasses to local contact points around the world, including some of the poorest areas. On the ground, mobile clinics provide eye tests and distribute the reading glasses, which are ready to use.


Reading glasses have a real impact on quality of life. They promote access to education and thus the prospect of finding a job with a better income (which can be up to 20%).


Together, we have already given 1 million people access to sight. We owe this result to you. And we won't stop here.



Today, over 2.5 billion people do not have access to sight. So we wanted to do our part to make a difference.


That's why from day one, every time you order a pair of glasses from us, we fund the cost of a pair of reading glasses to the NGO Restoring Vision.


The charity then transfers the glasses to local contact points around the world, including some of the poorest areas. On the ground, mobile clinics provide eye tests and distribute the reading glasses, which are ready to use.


Reading glasses have a real impact on quality of life. They promote access to education and thus the prospect of finding a job with a better income (which can be up to 20%).


Together, we have already given 1 million people access to sight. We owe this result to you. And we won't stop here.

THE nax.

Introducing the Nax : our new XXL oversized

frame. With its brown tortoiseshell, double bridge

and its 70s vibe, retro is back! The Nax is best

suited for round, triangular or oval faces